This blog and BRUTAL BJJ TEAM MALAYSIA are officially over!

For more information please contact using the email address. My regards to all.

I am currently in Bali, Indonesia training under Niko Han and Synergy Bali

Monday, March 17, 2008

Recommendations to all

So what kind of training regime would you recommend to a student who wants to get ready for Jiu-jitsu competition. What skills are important?

First they need to know the basics really well. Then there are many qualities that are important like flexibility, cardio, muscular endurance, strength and agility. Three qualities that are really important are (one) developing a sense of balance standing and posture on the ground, (two) the movement of the hips on the ground, and (three) to have a really strong grip. If you hold someone they should feel it; with a strong grip you can dominate the fight.

By Marcus Soares.